The abductee,s Mother in Sana'a: tens abductees being tortured severe and systematic in prisons Houthi and Saleh

30 - أكتوبر - 2017 , الإثنين 07:44 مسائا
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الرئيسيةاخبار وتقارير ⇐ The abductee,s Mother in Sana'a: tens abductees being tortured severe and systematic in prisons Houthi and Saleh

Yemen- Ahmed Aldhehiany

Association of abductee,s mother in sana'a said that the dozens of their children abductees being tortured severe and systematic inside the political security prison and imprisonment Reserve Habra، and a number of prisons secret by the militia Houthi and Saleh sana'a.

Association of abductees,s mother in Sana'a condemned the continuing operations abduction and torture to death, which are exposed to him their abductees sons and Hiddens forcibly in prisons militias Houthi fit this came at pause protest morning Monday ,

And Association added that several abductees tortured deep inside the prison Habra yesterday led to the death of one abductees without recognize and to sure the identity of the abductees because of secrecy extreme of supervisors prison, and may be transferred to the other hand.

Association of uploaded responsibility militias Houthi fit and administrators and imprisoned Habra Sana'a on the life and safety of all the abductees and hiddend forced into prison, saying that these crimes does not fall over time.

And Association demanded a general attorney and all international and local rights organizations and carrying humanity and legal their responsibilities to the issue of the abductees and forcibly hiddens in prisons Houthi and speed move to save their lives and released unconditionally.

And militia Houthi and Saleh has been continued to the Abduction apeacfull citizens and admitted them in prisons and tortured and forcibly hide them for long periods and prevention of visits eating them.

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